Natural and mixed mode ventilation in DGNB certified buildings
Sustainable ventilation strategies can help your building deliver a holistic approach to the indoor environment. Learn how they lower the carbon footprint of non-residential buildings while promoting wellness and productivity.
The DGNB's criteria
The DGNB System is a sustainability certification that evaluates projects on three fundamental paradigms:
- Life cycle assessment
- Holistic approach
- Emphasis on performance
This allows the system to take economic, operational, and social factors into account, in addition to environmental impact when evaluating the building. This also follows DGNB’s key objective that the built environment should be accessible to everyone.
The DGNB’s criteria are organized into 6 different qualities, though the qualities are equally weighted in connection with certification. It is thus a holistic approach where it is not possible to live up to one or two criteria at the expense of the others.
Our ventilation solutions for hybrid and natural ventilation influence the DGNB qualities and help meet the framework’s goal for holistically planned projects.
The 6 qualities of DGNB
Sociocultural and functional
Natural Ventilation has a significant influence on Sociocultural criteria
The criteria where natural and hybrid ventilation can have the greatest influence lie within Social quality, especially if they are designed and implemented properly.
WindowMaster solutions are engineered with the latest technology, and can address many of the sociocultural criteria. This is because our solutions are designed with a focus on improving the indoor climate experience for users.
The specific criteria where natural and hybrid ventilation can earn points:
- Thermal comfort
- Indoor air quality
- Acoustic comfort
- User control
- Quality of indoor and outdoor spaces
- Safety and security
- Design for all
Natural ventilation's influence on the other criteria
Natural ventilation can also influence the other DGNB qualities. Engineered natural and hybrid ventilation solutions from WindowMaster can make a direct impact on Environmental quality because they help buildings reduce CO2 emissions, contributing positively to the total LCA of the construction. In relation to CO2 emissions, our cleantech ventilation strategies also contribute positively to Economical quality and the building related LCC because they reduce energy expenses from operation. With regards to Technical quality, WindowMaster solutions are well-positioned to meet these criteria because of our unique technology. Our window actuators, for example, are equipped with a communication technology called MotorLink® which enables communication between the building management system and the actuators. This makes the use and integration of building technology more straightforward for planners and installers. WindowMaster control systems and actuators are also used in smoke and heat ventilation solutions for building fire safety approaches.

Intelligent control of windows: MotorLink®
MotorLink® is a communication technology that enables 2-way control and feedback between window actuators and the Building Management System via the MotorController. All WindowMaster control systems are MotorLink® capable with many of our actuators. Click below to learn more and see related products.
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How we can help
To assist potential and current customers, our Building Performance Engineers are available to help as early as the pre-design and concept phases. They can provide initial advice on ventilation strategy and approach at no obligation. Free services they offer include: • Advice on building ventilation design • Determining opening areas • Air change calculations • Pre-design building performance guidance • CO2 level calculations
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Demand for DGNB certified buildings is increasing
As of Q1 2020, there are 5,000 projects worldwide that are certified under the sustainability certificate DGNB. This translates to 57,5 million square meters of certified floor space, and everything indicates that the demand for certified sustainable construction will continue to increase. There are many different techniques and materials that designers can specify to help a building achieve DGNB certification. Cleantech ventilation strategies, like natural and hybrid ventilation, are chosen by many planners because of the positive impact they can make on the framework’s criteria. That is because they reduce the energy consumed by building ventilation and improve the overall quality of the indoor climate for people. In Europe’s largest economies, DGNB is the market leader for the certification of sustainable construction. At WindowMaster, our cleantech ventilation products and systems have been in many DGNB certified buildings. In addition to providing ventilation solutions, our Building Performance Engineers can also assist with guidance on ventilation approach before, during, and after the construction of your project.

We are your sparring partner
At WindowMaster, we know that there are many factors to keep in mind when building new projects or refurbishing existing buildings using green approaches. That’s why, it’s important to us to be available for potential and current customers as sparring partners through all stages of a project, from pre-design to after care. In this way, we can be assured that the solution that our clients have chosen meets their expectations and performs optimally. Find a Cleantech Specialist in your area
Contact a SpecialistThe DGNB's align your building with the UN SDG's
The DGNB system can contribute to as many as 14 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The two SDGs to which DGNB's criteria contribute the most are Goal 11 and 13. Goal 11 stands for Sustainable Cities and Communities while Goal 13 stands for Climate Action. Cleantech natural and hybrid ventilation solutions can also contribute to fulfilling both of these goals. You can read more about DGNB certification and the SDGs below.
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