Tested to EN 12101-10 and ISO 21927-9, this is a smoke control system for single zone application or up to 10 zones. It includes the added flexibility of natural ventilation control. Contact us to discuss a smoke control strategy for your building.
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Flexible system variants
CompactSmoke is a solution that comes in 3 variants. 1 variant for a single smoke and comfort zone and 2 variants for up to 10 smoke and comfort zones.
Several panels can be joined in a master/slave connection so that they can be used in larger buildings.
Reduced cabling
CompactSmoke uses bus technology, reducing the overall cabling for break glass units, smoke detectors, and keypads.
The 3 variants of CompactSmoke
For one zone – WSC 104 & 106
For the control of ±24V DC actuators or actuators with MotorLink®, this panel contains a single smoke or comfort ventilation group. The smoke control panel is especially suitable for surveillance of smaller areas, e.g. staircases, smaller sport centres and restaurants.
Up to two actuator speeds depending on the type of actuator:
- ±24V DC standard actuator with one speed for SHEV
- MotorLink® actuator intelligence with two speeds (SHEV / comfort ventilation)

For 2 – 10 zones – WSC 310/320 Plus
- Supplied in two versions, 10A or 20A with up to 10 smoke zones / comfort groups.
- Includes an easy-to-use 2½” LCD touch screen to configure, commission and maintain.
- The panel can be expanded with a field bus card for comfort ventilation via KNX, BACnet IP, BACnet MS/TP, RS485 or Modbus RTU.
Up to three actuator speeds depending on the type of actuator:
- ±24V DC standard actuator with one speed for SHEV
- MotorLink® actuator intelligence with three speeds (SHEV / comfort ventilation / intelligent automation)

Download the brochure: Smoke ventilation – Safety for all building types
- Why choose natural smoke ventilation? - Find the right smoke control panel for your building type - Our solutions CompactSmoke™ and FlexiSmoke™
Download the brochure on smoke ventilation
Installation Help
Implementation of one smoke zone - Standard version
How to implement a large smoke area using two panels
Implementation of two smoke zones
Firmware update
Interpret and fix the fault indication through the LED blinking indications
How to retrieve a configuration back-up file
Intelligent control of windows: MotorLink®
MotorLink® is a communication technology that enables 2-way control and feedback between window actuators and the Building Management System via the MotorController. All WindowMaster control systems are MotorLink® capable with many of our actuators. Click below to learn more and see related products.
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